Product Review: Revlon Colorstay Mineral Lipglaze

10:45:00 PM

Hi everyone !! it's me again :)

Hope you have beautiful days...!
Well today I'm gonna share with you my experience using Revlon Colorstay Mineral Lipglaze. I have this product in Continuous Pink color (shade #525). I bought this months ago, and I always forget to post my experience using it on my blog.

This is my Revlon Colorstay Mineral Lipglaze in Continuous Pink :

Packaging is really good I think, it comes in a curve glass bottle, with a black cap.
The lipgloss itself comes in natural pink with shimmer, which is my favorite color actually.
It smells like vanilla with a citrus hint, uhm a little bit to strong for me

This is what it looks like on my lips, it gives light glossy effect, I like the color actually! it's so natural.
If I use it to office, let's say I wear it at 8 o'clock in the morning, I don't need to retouch until lunch time. So it has enough lasting power :) 

But, too bad, I think it doesn't suit me well, why? because it dries my lips. Even though I put my lipbalm before using it, still, my lips become very dry afterwards.

How about the price? I totally forget it actually. But I think it's not pricey.

I bought this product with my own money, and this review is based on my experience using it. It might work well for me but might not work well with you and vice versa.


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  1. eh baru tahu ad lipgloss revlon yg ini? Dijual di indo kah atau harus po??

  2. @mizha ada say.. aku beli di centro Plaza Semanggi kalo ga salah... yang jelas ga PO kok waktu itu...

  3. packagingnya lucu xD

    visit my blog ^^

  4. the lpstick looks so shiny and sexy on your lips! i like it :)
    hows pregnancy? hope everything going well :)

  5. Ehehe... akunya ya yg katro.. :p Btw, kalo sama yg seri colorburst apa bedanya?? TIA

  6. aww, too bad it dries your lip but at least the shade is pretty and your lips look really gorgeous with the shade =)

  7. @inge : iya packagingnya lucu hihihi...
    @sakuranbo : yes true, it's very soft and natural
    @Mizha : belum pernah nyoba yang lipglossnya colorburst nih, cuma yang ini mereka claim bisa lasts up to 8 hrs..yang jelas aku ga kuat pake ini lama2... kering banget bibirnya sampe pecah2...

    @janet : yes janet, I think it's not for me... :(

  8. @yoanita :thank you... really well so far, im counting days... will hava the c sect next week :)

  9. Ci, aku koq kalo pake lip gloss revlon jenis apapun bibir langsung gatel2 T.T padahal warnanya banyak dan bagus2.,

  10. @adel, aku juga cuma punya 2, yang 1 belum ditest pake lama2, kalau yang ini uda jelas ga bisa...bibirku langsung pecah parah dalam berapa jam... kayak orang dehidrasi deh sampe putih2...berarti kita ndak cucok yaaa....

  11. you are funny, and I love your blog. It's clean and fresh! keep up the excellent work!


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