Stylish Maternity #2

7:57:00 PM

Hi everyone ... :) !

I'm back again. OMG what kind of blogger I am hahaha... I promised to post about stylish maternity during my pregnancy, but see! I've only posted 2 about that! shame on me... sorry  :(

But first , I'm gonna share to you how my pregnancy's going right now.

1. My belly is getting bigger right now (I'm now at 35th week) , I find difficulties wearing my old clothes especially clothes for work. Don't have any maternity clothes until now, don't want to buy any maternity clothes. I just feel that couldn't find any maternity clothes that suit my style until now, so I prefer to choose maxi dress, or bigger clothes that can be worn again after I give a birth to my baby.

2. Have I told you my baby's gender? No? well , I will have a baby boy that hopefully will come to this world in the mid of next month :). but why do everyone still assume that I will have a baby girl ? His first and last name have already decided, of course the last name would be my hubby's family name, but uhm we are still confused with the middle name. Hopefully we will make a final decision before he comes. Let's call him BABY E :)

3. I still work and do my activities as usual. Going to office everyday etc, until I was exhausted last Friday that made me feel my first contraction. It was happened in the afternoon after I went back from lunch with my colleagues. Not long after that I felt terrible ache on my stomach and waist, that made me difficult to walk even to stand up. I directly messaged my doctor and she said that it's probably contraction, and she asked me to directly go to the hospital. OK emergency! I called my hubby and then he picked me up at my office and brought me to the hospital directly. Yeah that was my first time entering delivery room. Thanks God that my doctor stood by at the hospital that evening, she checked my condition and my baby's condition. Baby E''s head has already been down,  and the contractions were still going, during 20 minutes I got 2 contractions ( they recorded with tools). Uh oh, I thought that is it the time? am I going to give a birth? But then they gave me meds 3 times in an hour to hold the contractions. And the contractions still happened after that. OMG, I kept on praying and talked to baby E that this is still not the time. Please wait for the time baby...If the contractions were still going on, I should stay at the hospital at least 2 days, but Thanks God again, the contraction stopped at night, and I could go home but should take bed rest for several days. And I'm now in bed rest mode :D.

4. Baby E's stuffs are almost completed! only several things needed such as baby crib. Oh yeah I'm also still confused with the breastpump, so I still hold to buy it. 

5. Last 2 weeks, Baby E weighs around 2.2 kg hahaa... and he's actively moving in my belly.  I'm curious how much he weighs this week.

6. OK, I'm getting chubby and chubby, already gain total 10 kg compared to my weight before pregnant.

7. I'm suffering from backache everyday... that successfully makes me difficult to sleep at night :( my eyebag is very big right now.

So if you are curious how big is my tummy now, and how I look lately, please see below pictures :D (thanks to my hubby for taking all the pics)

Just for comparison, picture below was taken when 3rd month of pregnancy.

And then getting significantly bigger at 6th month of pregnancy

and this is my tummy's look right now at 8th month of pregnancy 

(bulet beneer ya hahaha kayak bawa bola ^^ - lihat pipikuw mulai montoks)

not too big from this angle :D This is actually my outfit that I wore week ago to office heehee (was taken before I went to office)... 
No high heels lately no high heels TT flat shoes are  my closest friend right now.
 How do I look?

This is one of my favorite necklace and bangle.

This is one of my favorite working-dress style :D, hopefully I will have other opportunity to do the photoshoot again before the labor day.

See ya on my next post :) 


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  1. woaaa...
    never think dat u're pregnat cece xD
    It's awesome! bby nya boy or girl ce?

  2. hamil tetep cantik dan modis yah :)

  3. Super stylist Mommy to be!
    Ya ampun ce, kalo kita berdua dijejerin mungkin pada nyangkanya aku kali yang lagi hamil 8 bulan. Malu deh >.<
    Jangan lupa pajang sini yah entar foto baby-nya, pasti unyuuu deh ^.^

  4. woaaah,, I'm so happy for you!

    And you look so stylish too eventhough u're pregnant, so inspiring! hehe... I wish you a cute and healthy little baby <3

  5. you are not only a stylish mom to be but really sexy gorgeous! ^_~

  6. @deelila : hahaha ga keliatan ya? co ni dee... :D

    @pitshu : hehe.. harus pitshu :D biar ga kucel XP

    @dina : hehehe... ampun deh kamu jangan beegitu... ttetep aku yang terlihat hamil koook... ho oh nti dipost deh :D

    @Rindodo, Janet and J00ciiEx : thank yoouuu...
    J00ciiEx , thanks for following me :)

  7. I LOVE your blog...Great photos!Really enjoying:) Please check mines If you want we can follow also with bloglovin, google+, twitter and facebook?
    Come back soon to visit my blog, I'll be waiting for you!!

  8. terharuu ih liatnyaa... :") semoga sehat selalu ya mui and baby E... *hugs*

  9. @mike I make : thanks for following me.. already following you now :)

    @neng meriii : hehehe thanks yaaa... *HUGS*

  10. @mike I make : thanks for following me.. already following you now :)

    @neng meriii : hehehe thanks yaaa... *HUGS*


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