

3:56:00 PM

Hi everyone...

I'm back...yes this time with GIVEAWAY! yaay... this is my first giveaway actually... I promise I will try to conduct another giveaway later ;)

hmm.. K-POP hype is everywhere! Well, maybe today, everyone is preparing to watch or maybe is now watching SMTOWN concert (hayo siapa yang nonton acung jari!!!)

And perhaps maybe all of you know about BIGBANG? honestly, I don't know much about this boyband actually hehehe... Yes they are from South Korea, consists of 5 cute boys, G-Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri (thanks to wikipedia hahaha).

So as you can read on my post title, I'm gonna give you TWO TICKETS of BIGBANG ALIVE WORLD TOUR CONCERT JAKARTA that will be held on Oct 13, 2012 at Mata Elang International Stadium for FREE!

and this is the ticket (nooo tipu - tipu ya)  :

There will be ONE WINNER for this GIVEAWAY! why? supaya kamu kamu ga sendirian nontonnya hihihi :) enak kan nti ada yang nemenin.. :D bisa minta temenin pacar, ade, kakak, temen, sodara, mama, papa, uncle, aunty *lhoh*.

Tickets are for STANDING-R, which are reserved spots. Located at 3rd floor, near Standing B2/A2, below VIP B ( Reserved area is not stated on the map, I give you this picture so you can get any direction where the spot is)

Coz the winner will get 2 tickets, i'm going to make a MAKE UP & STYLE CHALLENGE for you. Only the serious one will win :) soo pls be serious ya. Penilaian akan berdasarkan keseriusan kamu mengikuti giveaway ini ya...


FOR BLOGGER 1. You have to be MUIMIU STYLE blog follower through GFC (Google Friends Connect) - click di gadget GFC yang ada di blog ini kalau belum jadi followerku ya. Cowok or Cewek boleh ikutan!
2. I just created my new MUIMIU BEAUTY STYLE page on FB jadi boleh minta tolong bantuannya di LIKE yah yah yah :) tenkieees- silakan click di gadget FB Page di blog ini juga or click HERE.
3. Try to create your K-POP make up & style, silakan pilih K-POP artist yang menginspire your make up & style and post it on your blog about this giveaway - try to create your post as creative as possible. Penilaian akan berdasarkan kerapihan make up & style & gimana kamu post about this giveaway on your blog.
4. Help me to buzz about my giveaway (pls share my giveaway blogpost link) through your FB (tag MUIMIU BEAUTY STYLE fan page) OR twitter with hashtag #muimiugiveaway - cukup pilih salah satu saja.
5. Leave comment on my blog : mention your GFC name, FB/twitter name, link to your post, and your email address.

1. Do you have Gmail account? if YES, please follow my blog through GFC...
2. Please LIKE my FB page - click LIKE on the gadget FB page on this blog page.
3. Try to create your K-POP make up & style, silakan pilih K-POP artist yang menginspire your make up & style and post it on my FB Page
4. Don't forget to tell a story about your make up style, your reason why do you want to watch BIGBANG , and etc etc... as creative as possible !
5. Help me to buzz about my giveaway (pls share my giveaway blogpost link) through your FB (tag MUIMIU BEAUTY STYLE fan page) OR twitter with hashtag #muimiugiveaway - cukup pilih salah satu saja.
6. Leave comment on my blog : mention your GFC name, FB/twitter name, link to your post, and your email address.

Because the concert will be held on Oct 13, 2012, I will open this giveaway starting today, and will be ended on OCT 5, 2012 - updated on Sept 28 2012 please see my latest post.

Winner will be contacted through email and I will publish it on my blog so please stay tune following my blog for the winner announcement at Oct 7, 2012. If there's no reply from the winner in 2x24 jam, I will then select another winner.

So, not too difficult kan???  pls enjoy the fun joining this giveaway. And GOOD LUCK!


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  1. aaaaaaaaaaah...mesti ikuuuuuuuuuuut...*_*

  2. Gyaaaaaaahhhh *heboh sendiri gitu buka blogger liat post ini di dashboard*
    Grrrr...langsung deh siap2in peralatan perang, eh salah peralatan lenong maksudnya :D
    Oh iya, itu like facebook page-nya wajib engga? Engga punya akun facebook soalnya >.<

  3. keren ce, pengen bgt nntn Big Bang >.<
    tp harus berkreasi dulu dehh buat kpop star looknya hihi :3

  4. @severuslovez : hehee ayo semangat!!! and good luck!

    @Dina : plus poin untuk yang like FB say :) overall penilaian semuanya. Kalau ga ada FB gpp, dicoba aja, toh penilaian ga dari situ aja :)

    @Rini : hayooo ikutan riiin... pasti bisa berkreasi hihihi... 2 lhoh tiketnya :)

  5. Foto foto kita diupload di blog kita gitu yah? Atau kirim ke email kamu? :D

  6. gyaaa cece ! aku mau ikut ini ! aku mau ! *Q*
    *cek cek artist k-pop yg rmbtnya pendek*

  7. @irene: di blogmu aja say, nti linknya infoin ke aku di comment ini :)

    @--------- hayooo ikutaaaan....

  8. Halo ce,, mau tanya dong :D
    ini yg di make up harus diri sendiri atau boleh ga orang lain yg di make up?? thanx.
    ini giveawaynya cool abis, jadi pengen ikutan :)

  9. @adel : hi adel, sebenernya si better make up diri sendiri, kenapakah pengen make up in orang lain? but as long as it's your creation sebenernya no prob kalo mau make up in tmn, tp km hrs dipoto waktu make upin tmnmu jg ya hehehe :) - good luck!

  10. @adel : ur welcome deear GOOD LUCK!

  11. Join Join Join ><'
    love your giveaway
    GFC Name : Arisa Chii
    Twitter Name : ariisa992
    Blog : http://ariisa-blog.blogspot.com/2012/09/join-muimiu-make-up-style-challenge.html
    my email : ariisa@live.jp

    aduh ><
    pengen tiketnya XD

  12. @arisa : well done :) gud luck ya dear :*

  13. thank you muimiu,,

    GFC name : isna Pratiwi
    Twitter name : @isna_kyu
    Blog : http://deathremu.blogspot.com/
    My email : pratiwi_isna@yahoo.com

    I really want this ticket for surprise my bestfriend birthday present ლ(´ڡ`ლ) moga dapet amieeen

  14. @isna :) ur welcome dear.. what a good friend you are...tq jg uda join... good luck ya *kisskiss*

  15. Hi Miumiu, ikutan GiveAwaynya yah :)

    1. GFC: Pitshu
    2. LIKE - Done (FB : Pitshu Ornitier)
    3. http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    4. Done : bisa di liat di wall/timeline FB pitshu
    5. GFC : Pitshu
    FB : pitshu ornitier
    link post : http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    e-mail : pitshu.jr@gmail.com

    thanks, semoga menang ^^. Amen~

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi aku ikutan...

    GFC: Irene Yuanita
    FB: Irene Yuanita
    Twitter: @Aiirene (I buzzed yours here) =)
    Blog post: http://www.irenewithlove.com/2012/09/26/contest-joined-miumius-giveaway-two-big-bang-concert-tickets-jakarta/
    Email: irene.yuanita@gmail.com

    Do I miss anything? ^^ let me know if I do =)

  18. Cee.. ikutan yah.. semoga menang deh! :D
    GFC name : Latifah Yulia
    FB/twitter name : Latifah Yulia Hongo/@rarahime
    link to post : http://lalalovesleep.blogspot.com/2012/09/make-up-and-style-challenge-from-muimiu.html
    email address : lalalovesleep@gmail.com

  19. GFC : Conietta Vyonella Zeyn
    Fb : Conietta Vyonella Zeyn
    Yuri Inspired look : http://conietta.blogspot.com/2012/09/yuri-snsd-all-my-love-is-for-you-mv.html
    email : nitta.vyonella@gmail.com

  20. maap kalo kekirim 2x, soalnya kmrn pas mati inet na, ga tau ke send atau ga~

    1. GFC: Pitshu
    2. LIKE - Done (FB : Pitshu Ornitier)
    3. http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    4. Done : bisa di liat di wall/timeline FB pitshu
    5. GFC : Pitshu
    FB : pitshu ornitier
    link post : http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    e-mail : pitshu.jr@gmail.com

    semoga menang ^^

  21. i wanna join :D
    aku upload di FB/Twitter bisa kan??ehehehehXD
    i love ur give away :D

  22. @via, pitshu, irene, conieta : thank you udah participate :) good luck everyone

    @yola : silakan upload di FB n tag FB pageku ya...supaya aku bisa crosschck, dan jangan lupa ceritakan ttg giveaway ini dan makeup stylemu etc2... sekreatif mungkin...tq

  23. semua udah diikutin tinggal yg no 3 aja nih >.<

  24. 1. GFC: Gita Noiivia
    2. LIKE - Done (FB : Gita Noiivia)
    3. http://gitasyalala.blogspot.com/2012/09/join-muimiu-giveaway-tiffanys-make-up.html
    4. Done : aku tag FB nya muimiu beauty page
    5. GFC : Gita Noiivia
    FB : Gita Noiivia
    link post : http://gitasyalala.blogspot.com/2012/09/join-muimiu-giveaway-tiffanys-make-up.html
    e-mail : helloiamgita@gmail.com

    semoga bisa dapet tiketnya, buat kejutan buat tmenku yg ulang tauun x)
    *cross finger*

  25. Kak aku join untuk yang ke2 kalinya boleh? soalnya yang kemarin kayaknya kurang hehehe
    GFC : Conietta Vyonella Zeyn
    Fb : Conietta Vyonella Zeyn
    BoA Inspired Look : http://conietta.blogspot.com/2012/09/update-join-giveaway-miumiu-boa.html
    email : nitta.vyonella@gmail.com

  26. @dee : semangat darlinnngggg!!! :)

  27. @gita : masuk kok say, aku delete salah satu supaya ga duplicate ya..

    @irene: boleh , kalau bisa di 1 post aja...atau kalau beda post yang kulihat postingan terakhir ya..

    @conietta : boleh aja tapi yang kulihat postingan terakhir ya.. (harus pilih salah satu mana yang final look...)

  28. hehe makasih supportnya cece :D
    akhirnya di detik-detik terakhir selesai juga makeupnya :3

    1.GFC:Dee Diary's
    2.LIKE Page on FB: Done! (name: Deelila Dhiantie)
    3.Post link: http://deediarys.blogspot.com/2012/09/muimiu-giveaway-k-pop-inspired-makeup.html
    4.Help SHARE: Done via twitter (@deeliladicted) - https://twitter.com/deeliladicted/status/249775397779161088
    5.Email: deelila333@hotmail.com

  29. GFC name: MI

    FB: Raden Ayupd

    link: http://imaginarymi.blogspot.com/2012/09/miu-miu-mkae-g-dragon-that-xx.html

    email address: tunnel_411_band@yahoo.com

  30. Ce, aku bikin ulang ya ^_^

    GFC : Via Violet Xue
    FB : Via Violet Xue
    Twitter : ViaVia88
    Link : http://viavioletxue.blogspot.com/2012/09/muimiu-beauty-style-giveaway-2-tickets_30.html
    Email : viaviolet89@yahoo.com

  31. Hi Miu2, krn waktu GiveAwaynya di perpanjang pitshu ada sediki update di akhir blog pitshu ^^ please check it out ^^ Thanks~

    1. GFC: Pitshu
    2. LIKE - Done (FB : Pitshu Ornitier)
    3. http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    4. Done : bisa di liat di wall/timeline FB pitshu
    5. GFC : Pitshu
    FB : pitshu ornitier
    link post : http://ornitier.blogspot.com/2012/09/free-giveaway-2-tickets-bigbang-alive.html
    e-mail : pitshu.jr@gmail.com

  32. komen aku yg sebelumnya udah ke post belum yah cece ?

    GFC name: jidy-sama

    FB : Ade Kurniasih ( Like FB, Done)

    Twitter : @deeadee_ (Share via Twitter, Done)

    Link : http://bestcampdeade.blogspot.com/2012/06/giveaway-miumiu.html

    Email : dee_aaa@rocketmail.com

    Udah usaha semaksimal mungkin, semoga aku yang di pilih yh cece.

  33. @via& pitshu : ok darl... good luck yaaa...

    @jidy : harus aku approve dulu baru keluar, thank you uda join... :) good luck ya dear ! :)

  34. ce, mau nanya.. style yg dimaksud itu style makeup atau style fashion gitu yaaa?

  35. @Rini : up to u say.. kalau fashion biasanya make upnya ngikut kan ? hehehe... style lebih dikhususkan ke co si kalau ada yang ikutan :)secara kalo make up doank mungkin co lebih minim... make up n style bisa macem2, si, km bisa combine make up & hairstyle, make up & fashion atau totally dari atas kebawah K-POP buanget :D

  36. GFC: Rini Cesillia

    FB: Rini Cesillia

    Twitter: rinicesillia
    tweeted: https://twitter.com/rinicesillia/status/252800392000323584

    Link: http://purplelyhazelly.blogspot.com/2012/10/muimiu-2-tickets-bigbang-tour-concert.html

    email: rini.cesillia@gmail.com

    Thank you Ce ^^

  37. 1. GFC: Anggi Lolita
    2. LIKE - Done (FB : Anggi Sonia)
    3. http://yellow-lolita.blogspot.com/2012/10/giveaway-with-muimiu-kpop-makeup.html
    4. Done : @anggisonia
    5. GFC : Anggi Lolita
    twitter : @anggisonia
    link post : http://yellow-lolita.blogspot.com/2012/10/giveaway-with-muimiu-kpop-makeup.html
    e-mail : anggi.lolita@gmail.com

  38. cece, kirim ulang ya. ga tau yang tadi kekirim apa enggak..
    ini ikut giveawaynya telat, baru tau infonya ^.^v hihi

    GFC : anggi lolita
    Twitter : @anggisonia
    FB : like - DONE (Anggi Sonia)
    Link : http://yellow-lolita.blogspot.com/2012/10/giveaway-with-muimiu-kpop-makeup.html
    E-mail : anggi.lolita@gmail.com

    Makasi buat giveawaynya ^w^

  39. @rini & Anggi : thank you :) good luck ya... cantik2 bener sih niiih.. duuh gemes akuu.. hahaha

    @Anggi : masuk kok gi, cuma harus aku approve dulu memang :)

  40. GFC Name : Yessy Muliawan
    Twitter Name : o_oyessy
    Blog : http://sweet-raspberry-sorbet.blogspot.com/2012/10/muimiu-beauty-style-is-holding-giveaway.html
    my email : dly_raspberry@yahoo.com

  41. Join yaaaa ^_^

    GFC name: utotia
    twitter name: @utotia
    link to my post: http://fleashion.blogspot.com/2012/10/muimius-giveaway-ga-ins-irreversible.html
    email address: istiarina.putri@yahoo.com

    semoga bisa menang dan puas memandang TOP :3

  42. Aduuh..maap mepet banget submit nya >.<

    GFC : Dina Pitaloka
    Link Post : http://tujuhwarnapelangi.com/post/32916317955/iuzys-style
    Share on Twitter : https://twitter.com/itsnacchu/statuses/254050726991523840
    Email : ask.nacchu@gmail.com

    Maaf yah engga like facebook, engga punya soalnya >.<
    Makasih MuiMiu udah ngadain AMAZING giveaway satu ini, and wish me luck!

  43. Buaaahh..maap kayaknya aku komen berkali-kali deh ya ^.^

  44. Maaf yang tadi twitter-nya lupa pake hashtag, ini yang bener https://twitter.com/itsnacchu/statuses/254057914220814336
    Sekali lagi, wish me luck!

  45. post lagi deh.. kayanya ngga masuk comment nya..

    GFC : Marieta
    FB : Fransiska Marieta
    Twitter : @Marie_Marieta
    Twit : https://twitter.com/Marie_Marieta/status/254132790910664704

    Link blog : http://diary-extraordinary.blogspot.com/2012/10/entering-muimiu-free-bigbang-alive-tour.html

    email : smiling.shadow@rocketmail.com

    thanks muimiu :D

  46. Posting di hari detik-detik terakhir :D

    GFC : Rifka Giovani
    Share on FB: dellilah hey/Sudah di post :D
    Link Post : http://buleipotan.blogspot.com/2012/10/makeup-challenge-try-to-looks-like.html
    Email : survive.inGod@gmail.com

    Berdoa supaya menang #komat kamit

  47. GFC name : Nita Desilia Tannawi

    FB/twitter name : nitartstudio

    link to my post :http://nitarts-makeupstudio.blogspot.com/2012/10/miumius-big-bang-tickets-giveaway.html

    my email address : nitartstudio@gmail.com

    thanks for hosting this giveaway dear! :)


  48. maaf banget baru post ya c :)

    GFC : lynlyne
    FB : JessLyn Yunnie
    Share on FB : http://www.facebook.com/jesslyn.yunnie/posts/492700167421220
    Blogpost : http://lynlyne.blogspot.com/2012/10/park-bom-makeup-inspired-style-for.html
    Email : jezz_koreaholic@ymail.com

    *emailku dari SMP aja udah koreaholic LOL*

    I hope I can watch Big Bang concert, thanks for the giveaway c :*

  49. deg-degan nih nunggu pengumuman pemenangnya, wish me luck :D

  50. Dear all, Thank you for all participants....
    Keren2 smua huhuhuhu cakep2 make upnya...
    good luck yaaa..... *kisskiss*


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