Revlon Beauty Class - Centro Plaza Semanggi - February 2012

6:00:00 PM

I always want to participate in a beauty class event. But somehow I never had time to join any beauty class, until one day I read this Revlon beauty class standing banner at Centro Plaza Semanggi. With only IDR 175,000, I could join the class and plus, got products for IDR 160,000, so I can say we only pay IDR 15,000 for the beauty class. I and my friend decided to join this class.
This is the beauty room at Centro Plaza Semanggi, the room itself is not quite big, but it's enough for around 15 participants.

They also provided mirror (already set on every table), and also make up palette for each table.

This is the instructor ... I think she is one of Revlon SA not a real make up artist... sorry if I'm wrong... just guessing. And sorry again I didn't hear what she said hehehe I focused on taking pictures heheh....

OK let's start...After all the introduction, she then started checking on every participants' eyebrows. Actually I just had my eyebrows trimmed, but she said that it would be good if it's trimmed again.

After the trimming session, she showed us how to clean eye make up using eye make up remover, and then clean the face with milk cleansing and toner. This step will help to clean our face from dirt and other harmful particles.
The tips :
1. Put small amount of face cleansing lotion on to your back hand.
2. Apply it on your forehead, nose, chin, and your cheeks.
3. Gently massage your face start with your cheeks and chin (using both hands - 4 fingers) with circular motion , outward to the ear, then continue with forehead and your nose.
4. Do it for 1-2 min.
5. Wipe it off with facial tissue or cotton pad.
6. Pat toner gently over your face with cotton pad.

After that, before using foundation, she asked us to use moisturizer first, and the continued with foundation. Revlon assistant chose Revlon Color Stay for combination/ oily skin for me, since I have combination skin.
Next step, using concealer. Concealer will help us to do the correction, hide the dark spot,dark circle under your eyes, etc etc. They provided us Revlon PhotoReady Concealer. .
Pro :
- Revlon PhotoReady concealer has spf20
- Cover my dark spots
- its fair color matches my skin :)
- stays all days
- cheap, you can buy it for IDR 63,000

Cons :
- a lil bit cakey for my under eye. I will try again later.
- bigger than my As If concealer by NYX, a lil bit difficult to control the amount for dark spots. what NYX has is smaller, so I can put on the dark spots correctly :)

it actually blended well and nicely on my hand, why it did not work well with my under eye dark circle. Well, I should try this again and will let you know again.
Correction done, continue to the next step : Applying powder. I tried to use Revlon Colorstay Aqua mineral makeup. It is said that it contains coconut water, that will help hydrate your skin.
Pro :
- its cooling effect when it's applied

cons :
- lots of shimmery particles, not good for oily skin
- not covering much

Sorry I forgot to take its picture :(

For the next step, I think that the instructor did not help much. She just told us to apply eyeshadow, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil definer, blush on and lipstick bla bla bla... the assistant will help to those who really can not wear all those things.

I then felt uncomfortable using all the shared stuff. So I started to take out my make up case from my bag and use my own stuffs.

Anyway, this was a basic class, so I was lil bit bored, and the assistant's answers to my question did not satisfy me...

And this is what I did to my eyes and my face that day. I combined blue eyeshadows with peach, and used nude lipstick from Maybelline (oops) heheheh

Oh hey, I almost forgot what I've got with IDR 160,000 : 2 new Revlon colorburst lipstick hehehe.. will do the swatches later :)

thanks for reading


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  1. aku suka eye makeup nya. foto terakhir looks beautiful!! :D kayaknya seru ya ikutan beauty class event!

  2. AAAA cantik banget km ><
    Nice post! ^^

  3. Hai! blognya keren! i Follow you.. please follow me back

  4. @yoannita : thank you say :) seru2 aja si ikutan... nambah pengalaman n temen :D

    @vanda & dea : thank you :)


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