REVIEW : Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum

8:44:00 PM

I was worrying of losing my hair and becoming bald T_T. I did have very bad hair loss since I frequently coloring it. Since then , I started frequently go to salon to have hair spa or creambath, at least 2 times a month. Hair is woman's crown right? heheh.. So I would do anything to keep it healthy. My battle with hair loss is also helped by Hair Growth Serum by Rudy Hadisuwarno. First time used it, I still did not believe with its effect. But I can tell you now that my hair loss decreases right now.

One box Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum contains 6 mini bottles of 9 ml serum.

And the ingredients are :
- Sophora Root Extract that helps block the formation of DHT which can cause hair loss, and accelerates the growth of new hair
- Tripeptide Complex and Soybeans Protein that helps improve blood circulation in the hair roots area, strengthen hair structure and block the formation of DHT.
- Hydrolyzed Sericin that acts as a soothing agent to protect the scalp and keep it healthy.

Direction for use :

1. Apply Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum to the scalp after washing hair.
2. For best result, use 1 bottle of Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum 3 times a week.
3. Lightly and evenly massage the surface of the scalp for 3 minutes.
4. When hair loss has stopped and hair is growing, continue routine daily treatment hair tonic and with Rudy Hadisuwarno Hair Growth Serum 1 bottle once a week.

I like this product , it really stimulates the hair to grow. I realize new hair growth after 1 box usage HAHAH...besides, I like the smell and its soothing effect when is being applied.

Thanks for reading


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  1. i had hair loss alot too since i went to senior high school. i never maintaning it because i kind of happy to have skinny normal hair because i actually had soo mucch hair before and it look like i had coconut head the way it big from had so much hair. haha

    anyway glad the product works for you :D

  2. haiii thank you for the review girl, i have hair loss too :( hopefully this will works for me

    thankies for ur lovely comment

  3. @yoannita hahaha..biar ga megar ya?rmbut gw tipis abis..trus rontoknya bener2 parah abis.kalo ga dirawat bs getting bald kayaknya hahaha

    @hanna hopefully cocok untukmu jg ya...

  4. i might try this .

    oh and Mui Miu , i just nominated you for an award. check it out :)

  5. oh iya ada award lagi hehe please check out if u like :)

  6. Ui, this product looks really luxurious. Where did you get that? Wanna try it too.

    Wanna follow each other? I start right now;)

    Kisses from Berlin

  7. ce, serumnya bner2 ampuh gk? kmaren ak jg abis beli serumnya tp msih blom kliatan hasilnya

  8. @dee : di aku ampuh... waktu itu keliatan kalau uda mau 1 paket abis,jadi numbuh banyak anak rambut gitu...skrg uda pake paket k 3, dan rontoknya uda jauh berkurang...kamu uda pake berapa lama say?

  9. Hey, I am from Singapore, I am using this product right now, its amazing, my hair seems to be better now, but where could I get it in Singapore?


  10. @Jecis Lee : Hi Jecis, where did you buy before? Glad to hear that it works for you too. I'm not sure actually, but maybe you can check it at Martha Tilaar shop at the Marina Square #02 -341... I hope it's available on the store.

  11. ak juga baru beli nih serum gara-gara rambut udah sekarat sering di bleaching,catok, cat dll... sekarang bagian atasnya malah rontok, jadi kaya anak ayam gini rambutnya huwee :(( belom lagi jadi tipis banget jadi pitak.. apa serumnya bener2 berguna? seminggu dipakai rambutmu beneran tumbuh ga?
    soalnya males banget kepala ditutupin pake topi atau wig terus menerus...

    1. Hi Alice, hahaa aku ketawa baca itu rambut kayak anak ayam :D ... aku berasanya waktu udah mau 1 box abis say... kira2 2-3 minggu ya... aku ga ikutin saran seharusnya, harusnya pake 3x seminggu (@1 botol sekali pake). Aku kadang 1 botol dibagi 2 hehehe.... jadinya agak lama ya makenya... efeknya si setelah 1 box itu deh di aku. Rontoknya jadi berkurang... dan jadi ada anak2 rambut

    2. nanya lagi nih ka, trus kira kira butuh brp lama untuk si anak2 rambutnya biar tumbuh panjang? apa serum nya ngebantu anak2 rambut nya tumbuh panjang juga? atau cuma efek buat numbuhin anak rambut dari bagian kulit kepala yang "kosong" ya?


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