Makeup Portfolio : Makeup for POPPA's Catalogue

2:22:00 AM

So this is mid April already, how are you all? Hope all of you are always happy and beautiful :).

Months ago I was contacted by my friend from my past office. She's now become a fashion designer - really proud of her - and she designs casual yet chic and simple-pastel look for woman with name "POPPA".

So what is POPPA?

Poppa represents a down to earth, yet casual chic style. Its simple, serene and comfort design promotes every good mood. A combination of relaxation and open-mindedness to soften the harshness of urban lifestyle.

And in a short story, I collaborated with her "POPPA" to do casual makeup for POPPA's fashion catalogue for last Indonesia Fashion Week 2015. 

My beautiful canvas that day is Dindra Nashriyah (IG : @dindranashriyah)

First look is very soft makeup

Second look is a bit bold and roseate makeup.

Some of POPPA's Collection

If you are interested to shop POPPA's collection, please feel free to check at POPPA's blog

Thanks to 
POPPA by Andini Wijendaru
Photo by : Rizwandy

Cheers :)

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  1. Wow, congrats ce buat collabroration nya, Model juga udah cakep binggo itu :D.

    Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D


    1. tenkyuuuu cantiiik... siiip nti aku main yaa


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