Fantasy Makeup : Werewolf Face Art "The Mortal Instruments"

12:52:00 AM

Hello everyone and good night :)

Finally I can create this post! I love beauty make up but when I have to do something more than beauty, hmmm... that's more challenging for me! It's the time to change my face into something that perhaps not real in this real world or perhaps real but we don't see them.
For today's FACE ART I bring a supra natural creature to you. I changed my face into something that perhaps if I met this creature , I would suddenly faint!
Special thanks to my IBB friends who made all this make up collaboration and they did very good job !
I'm very happy can do this kind of collaboration with them.

We're Downworlders. We live at The Downworld, chasing and hunting each other, hiding and running away from The Shadowhunters, and fighting The Demons which escape from their cages to hunt us. We are vampires, warlocks, werewolves and fairies, we should fight for our life.

When we're arrested and accused of a crime, The Silent Brother will come and investigate us. They will scramble our mind and go deep until our deepest memories, our happiest and saddest memories... Its painful..

And now, Lilith the Demon Mother, The Highest of All, rises from her forever sleep. It means, The Demons  will  chase and hunt us for more and for their fun.  The Shadowhunter will suspect us, arrest us, and push us into a painful interrogation...

We should survive. Survive or Die....

Confused? Have any of you read the MORTAL INSTRUMENTS book or perhaps the movie? 
Honestly, I did not know this movie or even the book hehehe... I heard about this only when my hubby asked me if I want to buy Mortal Instrument makeup edition from NYX *ehemm so kind isn't he?

The point is that we bring the DOWNWORLDERS to you ! we actually part human and also part demon. We are the children of the moon aka WEREWOLVES, the children of the night aka VAMPIRES, the children of lilith aka WARLOCKS and FAIR FOLK aka FAERIES.

So as you can see at the image above, I chose to be a werewolf !
If you are curious with my transformation, please continue to read and please don't be afraid that I will attack and bite you :)

All products used to help my transformation are easy to find and pretty simple!
I only used :

1. Cream Tint from Sari Ayu
2. White Face Paint
3. Eyeliner pencil from Caring Colours
4. Grey, Brown, Black , Pink and Red Eyeshadow

The Steps :
1. First I put all the cream tint all over my face as the face paint base. My Face painting crayon is not quite good. It 's easily melted when having too long contact with my oily skin. So this base will help the face paint to stay.
2. Put the white face paint all over my face. 
3. Put Grey eyeshadow on my cheeks, forehead and chin.
4. Start to draw teeth , mouth , nose, eyes, etc with eyeliner.
5. Add some brown eyeshadow to give natural effect on your fur.
6. Draw more fur with eyeliner :)

And this is my final look !

Do I scare you? I'm a good and a cute puppy ^_^
Btw itu pashmina merah selalu menemani makeup karakterku... dulu juga pernah nemenin waktu makeup JOKER (klik disini ) *big grin*.

Kindly check my fellas creation here :

Thank you and cheers!

Your comments are highly appreciated friends!
Until my next creation!


 photo signatureblog2014_zps5a5d1746.jpg

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  1. astagaaaa kerennn abisssssss ci >_____<
    keabisan kata2!! hahaha
    horror di malem hari *___*

    1. makasi veee... haduh aku nakutin ya... itu padahal berusaha sedemikian rupa pasang muka serem. kata suamiku kurang garang HAHHA :D

  2. aaakk ini keren syekaliiiii >,< furnya keliatan ky beneran ce, yg pake kerudung merah itu warewolf abiiiss!!
    btw, punya pin bb jacob warewolf ga ce? siapa tau satu perkumpulan *maaf, mohon diabaikan* :p

    1. makasii nuriii ... heheh ada ada.. mau pin bbnya? nti aku kasiihin ya :D LOL

  3. Whoaaa~ ci muiii aku bangun tidur langsung kaget liat inih :') ci mui kalo soal face paint mah juara!♥♥♥

    1. hahaha sukses ngagetin ya.. harusnya kemarin mau nakutin caleg ... telat posting jadinya nakutin kalian aja deh :D tq sayang

  4. Wahh...keren banget face painting nya,kreatif banget,sumpah...
    Pakai palette make up nya sari ayu ya...

    1. iya say... untuk tintnya aku ambil dari palet sariayu :)

  5. Gilakkkk, kerennyaaa . sampe merinding liatnya serasa liat werewolf sungguhan . kereeennnn!!!!

  6. ga ada yg bisa diucapkan, udh 10 jempol!!

    1. lina.. itu jempol sapa ajah ??? hihihihi :D makasi darl...

  7. Cc kerenn polll... ♥♥♥♥ WereWolf benerann nihhh!
    Mangstabbbb... Waktu edit banner takut takut liat cc aahhh..wkwkwwk

    1. makasi ellen cullen :D .... hiahaha aku lucu gini len :D

  8. Ampun ini asli t.o.p bgt… keren abiz da tp klo ktemu mlm2 dandan gni isa ngacir aq

    1. hahaha makasi darling... makanya aku dandan siang, rasanya aku sendiri pun takut kalo mesti dandan gini malem2 :D

  9. Ce Mui, setelah lihat yang warna matanya nggak diedit, emang kelihatan kayak puppy :3 cute :3
    Ihihihi, jadi nggak serem :3 *cubit pipi*

    1. yah kan yah kan??? aku cute kan dil ??? *toyor *

  10. Kereeen! Speechless.. kapan-kapan pengen cobain buat ini heehee...
    Follback yaa Cee ^_^

    1. thank you rere.... ayo dicoba buat jangan lupa share ya... :)
      OK will do :)

  11. gila sumpah ini keren bangetbangetbanget! *speechless*


    1. ini vina kakanya vani yaa??? salam kenal :) thank youu

    2. yoi mrs mui ;) salam kenal jugaa


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